Case Study- Revolutionizing Waste Management in Cassowary Coast

Case Study- Revolutionizing Waste Management in Cassowary Coast


The Cassowary Coast Regional Council, situated in the pristine environment of Far North Queensland, was grappling with significant waste management challenges. Bins were overflowing, garbage was being illegally dumped, and inefficiencies in waste collection were rampant. This was not only a nuisance for the community but also posed a serious threat to the local wildlife, including the endangered cassowary population.


Covering a vast area of 4,700 square kilometers, the council struggled with timely waste collection, leading to overflowing bins and increased environmental risks. The lack of real-time data made it difficult to manage waste effectively, resulting in a 72% rise in complaints and a 78% increase in unnecessary crew dispatches.


In partnership with Telstra and Exceed ICT, the council deployed smart bin sensors connected via the NB-IoT network. These sensors provided real-time data on bin fill levels, temperature, and lid inclination. The data allowed the council to optimize waste collection routes, reduce unnecessary dispatches, and relocate underutilised bins to more effective locations.


The implementation of these sensors led to a 72% reduction in waste management complaints and a 78% decrease in crew dispatches. Moreover, the council achieved significant environmental benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions and minimized harm to local wildlife. The success of this project is part of the council’s broader goal of becoming an ECO Destination Certified by 2024.


The Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s adoption of IoT-enabled bin sensors showcases how smart technology can transform waste management, leading to improved community satisfaction and enhanced environmental protection.